Friday, 15 October 2010

Andrew Goodwin's Theory

Andrew Goodwin has identified a number of key features which distinguish a music video as a form:

Voyeurism often plays a major part and is present in many music videos, especially in the treatment of females, but also in terms of systems of looking. Some examples are screens within screens, cameras, mirrors, etc.
He says that music videos are often constructed by the link between the visuals and the song plus the artist. Relationships are built between these in the video, and the close-ups of the artists gives them the representation and publicity they require. Voyeurism is used to increase the video’s attractiveness, particularly to males, whilst intertextuality is often employed in humorous videos.
Many of these features are present in all music videos, depending on the genre of the song and the aim of the record company/artist.

Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics:
Genres are complex and diverse in terms of music video related style, and iconography - Record companies will demand a lot of close-ups of the main artist or vocalist.
Black Eyed Peas are a pop and R’n’B band and therefore all of their videos contain the typical characteristics for a video of these genres. They generally contain lots of happy people and a clear storyline. We are going to replicate each of these different things as much as possible, without copying the original video.
Most pop videos have the same sorts of sounds; a ‘bouncy’ tune usually about love and although we are using a song with this stereotypical image we are changing the content to make contrary to what would be expected.
Another characteristic is a close-up shot of the artist singing into the camera with either things going on behind them or not, and we are going to do this in our video as we feel it is a necessity.

There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals:
There is a relationship between the lyrics and the visuals, with the visuals illustrating, amplifying or contradicting the lyrics.
The lyrics in the song ‘I Gotta Feeling’ narrate the action of the song – during the line of the chorus ‘I gotta feeling that tonights gonna be a good night’ you see people either getting ready or dancing and smiling.

There is a relationship between music and visuals:
There is a relationship between the music and the visuals, with the visuals illustrating, amplifying or contradicting the music.

For the rhythm of a music video to flow well it is necessary that the music and the visuals fit well together. When songs have a strong, fast beat throughout the editing is usually quick paced and the shots are of a short length.
This song has a fast beat throughout and therefore to fit with the upbeat music all of the shots are quickly edited together. This illustrates the light-hearted meaning the song is representing.

There is often intertextual reference:
There are likely to be intertextual references to other media texts, either to other music videos or to films and TV texts, these provide further gratification and pleasure for the viewers/fans.
This video is not specifially referencing towards any particular music video, or film. However it is referencing to a common theme within many films and other songs based on being care free and happy.

 Here is a mind map I made about all of these different points

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