Friday, 10 December 2010

Rough Edit

We have nearly finished editing our music video, here is what we have done so far.

Friday, 3 December 2010

Rough Cut

We are about half way through editing so far. We are hopefully going to finish filming next week as there is a dance show in the drama department at the moment so we can't get in there to continue with that. There are lots of gaps as they are going to be filled with footage we still have to shoot.

Split Screen

Here is what I made when I was practising using different split screens.

Here are two screen shots to illustrate the editing I was doing

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Split Screen Test

Since Kim had tried out the new effect Split Screen, I also decided it would be a good idea for me to become familiar with this sort of edit.
On Premiere Elements, I took 3 clips; One feet shot, one Mid Shot and One head shot.
I then proceeded to use the Crop tool to cut down the clips to get the parts that i wanted of the clip and to focus more on that part.
I then layered the clips on top of eachother so that when the clip was played, all 3 parts played at the same  time on top of one another.

When we eventually get to film again, I think we need to get the shots for this kind of edit to be in to correct position as none of the clips fit together, size wise and it looks a little silly. We need to consider this for the next time we film.

Here is a screen shot of me playing around with the new effects on Premiere Elements.

Here is a quick clip that I made playing with the cropping tool.